End Of Day Cash Register Report Template

Verkkokauppa.com Oyj Banal Barter Absolution March 3, 2021 at 9:30 EET

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Notice is accustomed to the shareholders of Verkkokauppa.com Oyj (“Verkkokauppa.com” or the “Company”) to the Anniversary General Affair to be captivated on 25 March 2021 starting at 2:00 p.m. (EET) at the bounds of Verkkokauppa.com Oyj at the abode Tyynenmerenkatu 11, 6th floor, FI-00220 Helsinki, Finland.

The Company’s Board of Directors has bound on aberrant affair procedures based on the acting aldermanic act to absolute the beforehand of the Covid-19 communicable (677/2020), which entered into force on 3 October 2020. In adjustment to ensure the bloom and assurance of the shareholders, advisers and added stakeholders of the Company, the Anniversary General Affair will be organized after shareholders’ and their proxy representatives’ appearance at the Anniversary General Affair venue. Shareholders can participate in the Anniversary General Affair and use their actor rights in affiliation with the Anniversary General Affair by voting in beforehand (either alone or through a proxy representative), by arrangement counterproposals in beforehand and by allurement questions in beforehand in the abode declared below. Proxy assembly charge additionally vote in beforehand in the abode declared below. For added instructions, amuse accredit to Area C. “Instructions for the Participants in the Anniversary General Meeting” of this notice.

The Chairperson of the Board of Directors, the associates of the Board of Directors, the CEO and added administration of the Aggregation and the Accountant will not appear the Anniversary General Affair and no webcast will be provided.


At the Anniversary General Meeting, the afterward affairs will be considered:

1. Aperture of the meeting2. Calling the affair to order

Attorney-at-law Sonja Siggberg will act as the Chairperson of the Anniversary General Meeting. If due to beefy affidavit Sonja Siggberg is not able to act as the Chairperson, the Board of Directors shall accredit accession actuality it deems best acceptable to act as the Chairperson.

3. Acclamation of bodies to analyze the annual and to administer the counting of votes

The Company’s Acknowledged Counsel Robert Tallberg will analyze the annual and administer the counting of votes at the Anniversary General Meeting. Should Robert Tallberg for a beefy acumen not be able to appear these tasks, the Company’s Board of Directors will accredit accession actuality that it deems best acceptable to analyze the annual and administer the counting of votes.

4. Recording the amends of the meeting

5. Recording the appearance at the affair and acceptance of the annual of votes

Shareholders who accept voted in beforehand in accordance with the instructions set out in this apprehension and who accept the appropriate to appear the Anniversary General Affair in accordance with Chapter 5, Sections 6 and 6a of the Finnish Limited Liability Companies Act will be recorded to accept abounding the Anniversary General Meeting. The annual of votes will be adopted according to the advice provided by Euroclear Finland Oy.

6. Presentation of the Anniversary Accounts, the abode of the Board of Directors and the Auditor’s Abode for the year 2020

As shareholders can alone participate in the Anniversary General Affair by voting in advance, the Company’s anniversary abode for the year 2020, appear on 3 March 2021, which includes the Company’s anniversary accounts, the Abode of the Board of Directors and the Auditor’s Report, and which has been fabricated accessible on the Company’s website at https://investors.verkkokauppa.com/en, will be accounted to accept been presented to the Anniversary General Meeting.

7. Acceptance of the Anniversary Accounts

8. Resolution on the use of the accumulation apparent on the antithesis area and the administration of funds and allotment of the Board of Directors to adjudge on the administration of funds

The Board of Directors proposes to the Anniversary General Affair that the Anniversary General Affair makes the afterward resolutions:

8a. The Board of Directors proposes that the Anniversary General Affair resolves that a allotment of EUR 0.056 per allotment be paid for the 2020 banking period. In addition, the Board of Directors proposes that the Anniversary General Affair resolves that an added allotment of EUR 0.22 per allotment be paid (i.e. in absolute a allotment of EUR 0.276 per allotment for the 2020 banking period). The allotment will be paid to a actor who on the almanac date of the allotment payment, 29 March 2021, is registered in the Company’s shareholders’ annals captivated by Euroclear Finland Oy. The Board of Directors proposes that the allotment be paid on 7 April 2021.

8b. The Board of Directors additionally proposes that the Anniversary General Affair authorizes the Board of Directors, in accession to the resolution in annual 8a, to added adjudge at its acumen on the administration of assets as follows:

The absolute bulk of the allotment administration based on this allotment shall not beat EUR 0.174 per share. The allotment is accurate until the aperture of the abutting Anniversary General Meeting. The absolute accumulated allotment for the 2020 banking aeon in items 8a and 8b would appropriately be a best of EUR 0.450 per share.

Unless the Board of Directors decides contrarily or the accessible changes in the rules and regulations of the Finnish book-entry arrangement crave otherwise, the allotment will be acclimated to administer allotment in three instalments during the aeon of authority of the allotment as follows:

i. the aboriginal allotment instalment not beyond EUR 0.057 per allotment with the acquittal date on 4 May 2021;ii. the additional allotment instalment not beyond EUR 0.058 per allotment with the acquittal date on 27 July 2021; andiii. the third allotment instalment not beyond EUR 0.059 per allotment with the acquittal date on 2 November 2021.

The Board of Directors will accomplish abstracted resolutions on the administration of assets based on this allotment and the Aggregation will alone broadcast announcements of such Board resolutions.

The allotment acquittal based on a resolution of the Board of Directors will be paid to a actor who on the almanac date of the allotment acquittal is registered in the Company’s shareholders’ annals captivated by Euroclear Finland Oy. The Board of Directors will adjudge on the almanac date in affiliation with anniversary allotment acquittal decision.

9. Resolution on the acquittal of the associates of the Board of Directors and the CEO from liability

10. Advisory resolution on the approval of the accomplishment policy

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The Board of Director’s Accomplishment Committee has proposed an alteration to the Company’s accomplishment policy. The proposed alteration consists of a blueprint that the concise allurement rewards cannot beat 100% of the CEO’s anniversary anchored salary.

The Board of Director’s Accomplishment Committee proposes that the Anniversary General Affair approves the Company’s adapted accomplishment policy. The adapted accomplishment action is accessible on the Company’s website at https://investors.verkkokauppa.com/en/general-meetings and has been appear by way of a banal barter absolution on 3 March 2021 as an addendum to this notice.

As shareholders can alone participate in the Anniversary General Affair by voting in advance, the Company’s adapted accomplishment policy, which has been appear by way of a banal barter absolution and has additionally been fabricated accessible on the Company’s website at https://investors.verkkokauppa.com/en/general-meetings as of 3 March 2021, will be accounted to accept been presented to the Anniversary General Meeting.

11. Advisory resolution on the approval of the accomplishment report

The Board of Director’s Accomplishment Committee proposes that the Anniversary General Affair approves the Company’s accomplishment report. The accomplishment abode is accessible on the Company’s website at https://investors.verkkokauppa.com/en/general-meetings and has been appear by way of a banal barter absolution on 3 March 2021.

As shareholders can alone participate in the Anniversary General Affair by voting in advance, the Company’s accomplishment abode for the 2020 banking period, which has been appear by way of a banal barter absolution and has additionally been fabricated accessible on the Company’s website at https://investors.verkkokauppa.com/en/general-meetings as of 3 March 2021, will be accounted to accept been presented to the Anniversary General Meeting.

12. Resolution on the accomplishment of the associates of the Board of Directors

The Shareholders’ Nomination Board proposes that the anniversary fees to be paid to the associates of the Board of Directors to be adopted at the Anniversary General Affair for the appellation of arrangement catastrophe at the abutting of the Anniversary General Affair in 2022 are the following:

The Shareholders’ Nomination Board proposes that 50 per cent of the anniversary fee be paid in Verkkokauppa.com Oyj shares either purchased from the bazaar or alternatively by application treasury shares captivated by the Company. The acquirement of shares or alteration of treasury shares is proposed to be agitated out in four according instalments, anniversary instalment actuality purchased or transferred aural the two-week aeon alpha on the date afterward the advertisement of anniversary of the Company's acting letters and the Company's banking statements annual for 2021. It is proposed that the Aggregation will pay the transaction costs and alteration tax in affiliation with the acquirement or alteration of accomplishment shares. The blow of the anniversary fee is proposed to be paid in cash, which is acclimated to awning taxes arising from the fees.

If the shares due in any such instalment cannot be purchased or transferred aural the time aeon adumbrated aloft due to acknowledged or added authoritative restrictions or due to affidavit accompanying to a Board member, the bulk of anniversary accomplishment due for acquittal in such instalment is proposed to be paid absolutely in cash.

The anniversary fees payable to associates of the committees of the Board of Directors for the appellation of arrangement catastrophe at the abutting of the Anniversary General Affair in 2022 are proposed to be the following:

The fees of the committees are proposed to be paid in cash. It is additionally proposed that the associates of the Board of Directors shall be compensated for reasonable accrued biking and abode costs as able-bodied as added abeyant costs accompanying to Board and Committee work.

13. Resolution on the cardinal of associates of the Board of Directors

The Shareholders’ Nomination Board proposes that the Board of Directors consists of seven (7) members.

14. Acclamation of associates of the Board of Directors

The Shareholders’ Nomination Board proposes that the afterward bodies be re-elected as associates of the Board of Directors for a appellation catastrophe at the abutting of the Anniversary General Affair 2022: Christoffer Häggblom, Kai Seikku, Samuli Seppälä and Arja Talma. Additionally, Mikko Kärkkäinen, Frida Ridderstolpe and Johan Ryding are proposed to be adopted as new associates of the Board of Directors for a appellation catastrophe at the abutting of the Anniversary General Affair 2022. All nominees accept accustomed their accord to the election. All nominees are accounted absolute of the aggregation and its above shareholders with the barring of Samuli Seppälä.

It is added proposed that the Board of Directors elects a Vice Chairperson in accession to the Chairperson of the Board. The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Board will be adopted by the associates of the Board of Directors from amidst themselves. The nominees to the Board of Directors accept adumbrated to the Shareholders’ Nomination Board that if elected, they will accept Arja Talma as the Chairperson of the Board of Directors and Christoffer Häggblom as the Vice Chairperson of the Board of Directors.

The nominees’ biographical capacity are accessible on the Company’s website at https://investors.verkkokauppa.com/en/general-meetings.

15. Resolution on the accomplishment of the auditor

The Board of Directors’ Audit Committee proposes that the accomplishment of the accountant be paid according to the reasonable balance accustomed by the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors.

16. Acclamation of auditor

The Board of Directors’ Audit Committee proposes that PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy, Accustomed Public Accountants firm, be re-elected as the Company’s accountant for a appellation that will abide until the end of the abutting Anniversary General Meeting. PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy has notified the Aggregation that Ylva Eriksson, Accustomed Public Accountant would be the auditor-in-charge.

17. Resolution on the approval of the adapted Charter of the Shareholders’ Nomination Board

The Shareholders’ Nomination Board proposes that the Anniversary General Affair resolves to accept the adapted Charter of the Shareholders’ Nomination Board. The Shareholders’ Nomination Board proposes that the Charter of the Shareholders’ Nomination Board be adapted as follows:

The aboriginal branch of area 2 “Appointment and Composition of the Nomination Board” be adapted to apprehend as follows:

“The Nomination Board consists of three associates which represent the Company’s three better shareholders, or the assembly nominated by such shareholders. The Chairperson of the Board acts as an able affiliate of the Nomination Board (for the abstention of doubt, the Chairperson of the Board is not an official affiliate of the Nomination Board and does not accept any voting right).”

The aboriginal branch of area 2.1 “Convening the Nomination Board” be adapted to apprehend as follows:

“The Chairperson of the Board convenes the aboriginal affair of the Nomination Board and acts as the Chairperson of the Nomination Board until the Nomination Board selects a Chairperson from amid its associates (i.e. not including the Chairperson of the Board). Thereafter, the Chairperson of the Nomination Board will assemble the meetings.”

Fourth branch of area 2.1 “Convening the Nomination Board” be adapted to apprehend as follows:

“The Nomination Board may accredit a new affiliate to alter the accommodated affiliate prematurely. If the cardinal of the Nomination Board associates is beneath than two during the appellation of arrangement of the Nomination Board, the Nomination Board shall adjudge on the arrangement of new members. The Nomination Board shall action the positions to be abounding in the adjustment of the cardinal of votes conferred by shares to those shareholders of the Aggregation who accept not nominated a affiliate to the Nomination Board. In such case, such actor shall accompaniment aural bristles (5) business canicule from the accounting appeal whether they ambition to appoint a affiliate or not. The cardinal of votes is bent by the captivation advice in the Company’s actor annals on the day above-mentioned the action to nominate.”

The proposed adapted Charter of the Shareholders’ Nomination Board is absorbed to this notice, and it is accessible on the Company’s website at https://investors.verkkokauppa.com/en/general-meetings.

18. Allotment of the Board of Directors to adjudge on the repurchase of the Company’s own shares

The Board of Directors proposes that the Anniversary General Affair authorizes the Board of Directors to adjudge on the repurchase of a best of 4,506,513 shares in one or several instalments application the complete disinterestedness of the Company, about demography into annual the accoutrement of the Finnish Companies Act on the best cardinal of the treasury shares captivated by the Aggregation or its subsidiaries. The proposed cardinal of shares represents a best of ten (10) per cent of the absolute cardinal of the shares in the Company.

The allotment includes the appropriate of the Board of Directors to adjudge on all added agreement and altitude of the repurchase of the shares, including the repurchase of shares in accession admeasurement than that of the absolute shareholdings of the shareholders (the directed repurchase). The shares can be repurchased on the trading venues area the Company’s shares are traded at the bazaar amount of the time of the repurchase, or at the amount contrarily accustomed on the bazaar at the time of the repurchase.

Shares may be repurchased for the purposes of convalescent the Company’s basic structure, costs or accustomed out accumulated acquisitions or added arrangements, implementing -to-be allurement and accomplishment schemes, or to be contrarily transferred further, retained as treasury shares or cancelled.

It is proposed that the allotment be accurate until the abutting of the afterward Anniversary General Meeting, however, no best than until 30 June 2022. The allotment revokes antecedent bare authorizations for the repurchase of the Company’s own shares.

19. Allotment of the Board of Directors to adjudge on the arising of shares

The Board of Directors proposes that the Anniversary General Affair authorizes the Board of Directors to adjudge on a allotment affair by one or several decisions. A best of 4,506,513 shares may be issued on the base of the authorization. The proposed best accustomed cardinal represents ten (10) per cent of the absolute cardinal of the shares in the Company. The Board of Directors may boldness to affair either new shares or alteration the treasury shares captivated by the Company.

The Board of Directors decides on all the agreement and altitude of the allotment issue, including the aberration from the shareholders’ pre-emption rights for a beefy banking reason. The allotment may be acclimated to beforehand the Company’s basic structure, to accounts or backpack out accumulated acquisitions or added arrangements, to apparatus -to-be allurement and accomplishment schemes or to be acclimated for added purposes absitively by the Board of Directors.

It is proposed that the allotment be accurate until the abutting of the afterward Anniversary General Meeting, however, no best than until 30 June 2022. The allotment revokes antecedent bare allotment affair authorizations.

20. Closing of the meeting


The above-mentioned resolution proposals apropos to the calendar of the Anniversary General Affair as able-bodied as this apprehension are accessible on Verkkokauppa.com Oyj’s website at https://investors.verkkokauppa.com/en/general-meetings. The Anniversary Report, the Abode of the Board of Directors, the Auditor’s Report, the adapted accomplishment action and the accomplishment abode of Verkkokauppa.com Oyj, are accessible on the above-mentioned website no after than on 3 March 2021. The annual of the affair will be accessible on the above-mentioned website as from 8 April 2021 at the latest.


In adjustment to absolute the beforehand of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Anniversary General Affair will be organized after the shareholders’ and their proxy representatives’ appearance at the Anniversary General Affair venue. Accord over real-time telecommunications or a recording of the Anniversary General Affair will not be available. Shareholders can participate in the affair and use their actor rights alone by voting in beforehand (either alone or through a proxy representative), by arrangement counterproposals in beforehand and by allurement questions in beforehand in the abode declared below. Proxy assembly charge additionally vote in beforehand in the abode declared below.

1. The appropriate to participate

Each shareholder, who on the almanac date for the Anniversary General Affair on 15 March 2021 is registered in the shareholders’ annals of the Aggregation captivated by Euroclear Finland Oy, has the appropriate to participate in the Anniversary General Meeting. A shareholder, whose shares are registered on his/her claimed Finnish book-entry account, is registered in the shareholders’ annals of the Company.

Instructions for holders of nominee-registered shares are set out beneath beneath Area C4 “Holders of nominee-registered shares”.

2. Allotment and voting in advance

Registration for the Anniversary General Affair and beforehand voting will activate on 9 March 2021 at 9:00 a.m. (EET). A actor who is registered in the Company’s shareholders’ annals and who wishes to participate in the Anniversary General Meeting, charge annals for the Anniversary General Affair and vote in beforehand no after than by 22 March 2021 at 4:00 p.m. (EET), by which time the votes charge accept been received.

A actor whose shares are registered on the shareholder’s Finnish book-entry annual can annals and vote in beforehand on assertive affairs on the calendar of the Anniversary General Affair from 9 March 2021 at 9:00 a.m. (EET) until 22 March 2021 at 4:00 p.m. (EET) by sending the beforehand voting anatomy accessible on the Company’s website or agnate advice to Verkkokauppa.com Oyj / Board secretary, Tyynenmerenkatu 11, 6th floor, FI-00220 Helsinki, Finland by letter or by email to agm2021@verkkokauppa.com.

The beforehand voting anatomy and instructions apropos to the beforehand voting will be accessible on the Company’s website at https://investors.verkkokauppa.com/en/general-meetings no after than on 9 March 2021 at 9:00 a.m. (EET).

If a actor participates in the Anniversary General Affair by voting in beforehand in accordance with the applicative instructions afore the accomplishment of the allotment and beforehand voting period, this constitutes due allotment for the Anniversary General Meeting, provided that all advice appropriate for allotment and beforehand voting is appropriately provided. No added notification of accord is appropriate for the Anniversary General Meeting.

In affiliation with the registration, a actor or a proxy adumbrative is appropriate to accommodate the requested claimed information. The claimed abstracts accustomed to Verkkokauppa.com by shareholders and proxy assembly is alone acclimated in affiliation with the Anniversary General Affair and with the processing of accompanying all-important registrations. Added advice on how the Aggregation processes claimed abstracts is accessible in the aloofness apprehension apropos the Anniversary General Meeting, which is accessible at https://investors.verkkokauppa.com/en/general-meetings.

3. Proxy assembly and admiral of attorney

A actor may participate in the Anniversary General Affair by proxy. Proxy assembly charge additionally vote in beforehand in the abode declared in this notice. Shareholders, who do not vote in advance, are requested, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, to exercise shareholders' rights through a centralized proxy adumbrative appointed by the Aggregation by acceding advocate Henrik Hautamäki from Hannes Snellman Attorneys Ltd, or a actuality appointed by them, to represent them at the Anniversary General Affair in accordance with the shareholder's voting instructions. Acceding the appointed proxy adumbrative will not accumulate any costs for the shareholder, excluding accessible postal fees for proxy documents. Added advice on the appointed proxy adumbrative is accessible at the afterward website: https://www.hannessnellman.com/people/all/henrik-hautamaeki/.

A proxy adumbrative charge aftermath a anachronous proxy certificate or otherwise, in a reliable manner, authenticate his/her appropriate to represent the actor at the Anniversary General Meeting. If a actor participates in the Anniversary General Affair by agency of several proxy assembly apery the actor with shares in altered book-entry accounts, the shares, by which anniversary proxy adumbrative represents the shareholder, shall be articular in affiliation with the allotment for the Anniversary General Meeting.

Proxy and voting apprenticeship templates will be accessible on the Company’s website at https://investors.verkkokauppa.com/en/general-meetings as from 9 March 2021 onwards. Accessible proxy abstracts shall be delivered primarily by email to agm2021@verkkokauppa.com or as originals by approved mail to the abode Verkkokauppa.com Oyj / Board secretary, Tyynenmerenkatu 11, 6th floor, FI-00220 Helsinki, Finland afore the end of the allotment and beforehand voting period, by which time the proxy abstracts charge accept been received.

If a actor delivers a proxy to the Aggregation in accordance with the applicative instructions afore the accomplishment of the allotment and beforehand voting period, this constitutes due allotment for the Anniversary General Meeting, provided that all appropriate advice is included in the proxy documents. In addition, proxy assembly charge additionally vote in beforehand in the abode declared in this notice.

Further advice will additionally be accessible on the Company’s website at https://investors.verkkokauppa.com/en/general-meetings.

4. Holders of nominee-registered shares

A holder of nominee-registered shares has the appropriate to participate in the Anniversary General Affair by advantage of such shares, based on which the actor on the almanac date of the Anniversary General Affair on 15 March 2021, would be advantaged to be registered in the Company’s shareholders’ annals captivated by Euroclear Finland Oy. The appropriate to participate in the Anniversary General Affair requires, in addition, that the actor on the base of such shares has been registered into the acting shareholders’ annals captivated by Euroclear Finland Oy at the latest by 22 March 2021 at 10:00 a.m. (EET). With attention to nominee-registered shares, this constitutes due allotment for the Anniversary General Meeting.

A holder of nominee-registered shares is brash to appeal all-important instructions apropos the allotment in the Company’s acting shareholders’ register, the arising of proxy abstracts and allotment for the Anniversary General Affair from his/her babysitter coffer after delay. The annual administration alignment of the babysitter coffer charge annals a holder of nominee-registered shares, who wishes to participate in the Anniversary General Meeting, in the Company’s acting shareholders’ annals aural the allotment aeon applicative to nominee-registered shares. The annual administration alignment of the babysitter coffer shall additionally booty affliction of the voting in beforehand on annual of the holders of nominee-registered shares aural the allotment aeon applicative to nominee-registered shares.

Further advice will additionally be accessible on the Company’s website at https://investors.verkkokauppa.com/en/general-meetings.

5. Counterproposals, appropriate to ask questions and added information

Shareholders apery at atomic one hundredth (1/100) of all the shares in the Aggregation accept the appropriate to affectation counterproposals apropos the affairs on the calendar of the Anniversary General Affair to be placed for a vote. Such counterproposals shall be delivered to the Aggregation by email to agm2021@verkkokauppa.com at the latest by 8 March 2021 at 4:00 p.m. (EET), by which time the counterproposals charge be accustomed by the Company.

In affiliation with authoritative a counterproposal, shareholders are appropriate to accommodate able affirmation of their shareholding. A counterproposal is acceptable for voting at the Anniversary General Affair if the shareholders who accept fabricated the counterproposal accept the appropriate to appear the affair and on the almanac date of the Anniversary General Affair represent at atomic one hundredth (1/100) of all shares in the Company. If a counterproposal is not acceptable for voting at the Anniversary General Meeting, the votes accustomed in favour of such a counterproposal will not be taken into account. The Aggregation will broadcast abeyant counterproposals acceptable for voting on the Company’s website at https://investors.verkkokauppa.com/en/general-meetings on 9 March 2021 at the latest.

A actor has the appropriate to ask questions with account to the affairs to be advised at the Anniversary General Affair pursuant to Chapter 5, Area 25 of the Finnish Limited Liability Companies Act. Such questions charge be beatific by email to agm2021@verkkokauppa.com at the latest by 11 March 2021 at 4:00 p.m. (EET), by which time the questions charge be accustomed by the Company.

Such questions by shareholders, responses to such questions by the Aggregation as able-bodied as added counterproposals than those acceptable for voting will be accessible on the Company’s website at https://investors.verkkokauppa.com/en/general-meetings on 16 March 2021 at the latest. In affiliation with allurement questions, shareholders are appropriate to accommodate able affirmation of their shareholding.

On the date of this apprehension to the Anniversary General Meeting, 3 March 2021, the absolute cardinal of shares in Verkkokauppa.com Oyj is 45,065,130 and the absolute cardinal of votes in Verkkokauppa.com Oyj is 45,065,130.

Helsinki, 3 March 2021


Board of Directors

For added information, amuse contact:

Panu PorkkaCEOpanu.porkka@verkkokauppa.comTel. 358 10 309 5555

Mikko ForsellCFOmikko.forsell@verkkokauppa.comTel. 358 50 434 2516


Nasdaq HelsinkiPrincipal mediawww.verkkokauppa.com

Verkkokauppa.com in short

Verkkokauppa.com is Finland’s best accepted and best visited Finnish online retailer, with the aim to advertise to articles to its chump at apparently consistently cheaper prices. Depending on the season, the Aggregation markets, sells, and distributes some 60,000–70,000 articles in 26 altered capital artefact categories through its webstore, retail stores, and arrangement of analeptic points. The Aggregation has four megastores: in Oulu, Pirkkala, Raisio, and Helsinki, in accession to which articles can be calm at added than 3,000 analeptic points. Verkkokauppa.com was founded in 1992 and it is headquartered in Jätkäsaari, Helsinki. The Company’s shares are listed on the official annual of Nasdaq Helsinki beneath the ticker attribute VERK.


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