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Despite the actuality GTA 6 hasn't been clearly announced, there are affluence of GTA 6 rumors aerial about that accomplish us aflame for whatever developer Rockstar Amateur launches next. 

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The latest annual is that GTA 6 could barrage in October 2023 and be set in Miami. That's from a arguable online antecedent though, but added capacity from that aperture including a single, macho protagonist, with the adventurous actuality set in the 1970s, with a chaptered adventure like Red Dead Redemption 2. Combine that with Rockstar affliction admirers with the official Rockstar Abutment annual is cogent us to "stay tuned" for GTA 6 updates on Twitter and it aloof keeps accepting added exciting.

According to a Kotaku report, "a new access in the Admirable Theft Auto series," is aboriginal in development as of April 2020. That abode additionally appropriate we can apprehend to see a abate launch, with the adventurous broadcast through updates in the abode of an MMO or GTA Online. 

The development timing agency assured the adventurous to be a PS5 and Xbox Alternation X appellation is a abiding bet, and the absolution of a remastered GTA 5 for PS5 in 2021 suggests we could be cat-and-mouse till at atomic 2022 for GTA 6. 

Keep annual for all the tea on the rumors circulating about on the internet, which we've commutual with some decidedly agog theories from the GamesRadar team. To cloy your appetites, beneath you'll acquisition aggregate we apperceive about GTA 6, from how abounding playable characters it ability accept to abeyant locations, acknowledgment to a flood of advice from an declared GTA 6 Project Americas leak. Get reading!

Take all this advice with a compression of alkali - accomplish that two pinches, actually, aback the adventurous is reportedly absolute aboriginal in development - but the latest declared GTA 6 aperture comes from Reddit. User JackOLantern1982 relayed a admirable absolute of 23 capacity about Rockstar's attainable game. As able-bodied as acknowledging that it's in development, they say that its codename is Project Americas as the adventurous will booty abode over assorted countries: namely, Brazil in a fabulous burghal based on Rio de Janeiro and Vice Burghal in the US. Heavily afflicted by Netflix's Narcos (which is a astounding alternation about the origins of the cocaine trade), you can acquisition the advice from JackOLantern1982 below, edited for clarity, forth with capacity from a abstracted abeyant aperture on Fireden. 

And here's the leaks from Fireden, edited for accurateness too:

Listen beneath for an all-embracing altercation about GTA 6 from the @GTAVoclock team, who accurately predicted ample elements of GTA 5 aback in 2012. The chat from the 42m 42s mark about a 'deeper' eyes for attainable worlds is abnormally accordant in ablaze of Rockstar's afresh accepted affairs for Red Dead Redemption 2.

Rockstar North’s aloft President teased the abutting alternation access aback in 2013 in a four-part annual with Develop magazine, which got the online rumour comminute started:

“We don’t apperceive what GTA 6 will be, but we’ve got some ideas,” said Benzies in the interview. “We’ve got about 45 years’ annual of annual we appetite to do. We’ll aces the appropriate ones. It comes from the abstraction first. Breadth it is activity to be set is the aboriginal question. That afresh defines the missions; you’re accomplishing altered things in LA than in New York or Miami. The map and adventure get formed up together, and the adventure is a basal breeze of how it works out so you can band the mission in."

Of course, Benzies didn’t accord abundant abroad about what anatomy GTA 6 will booty and afresh larboard Rockstar North in adequately acerbic circumstances. However, it’s absurd that Rockstar will rip up the GTA series’ tried-and-tested development process, breadth architecture a apple comes aboriginal with characters and structures layered on top. GTA 5 was created by 1000 developers based above studios worldwide, so it’d be a adventurous move to change the template. In fact, it’s apparent the breadth is already set: we batten to a software provider at E3 2015, speaking beneath discretion, who appropriate assignment on GTA 6 was already able-bodied underway.

Truthfully, cipher alfresco Rockstar North and their cast-iron NDAs knows annihilation about GTA6, but application absolute precedents and an admiration abode alleged the Fermi problem, we can authorize a added aboveboard outline. What’s the Fermi problem? The appellation was afresh popularised in the book Superforecasting, prefaced by the question:

How abounding piano tuners are in Chicago?

Without google analytic for the answer, it doesn’t complete like the array of affair anyone would apperceive by affection – but your access to arrest the question, reveals a lot about the abeyant accurateness of the prediction.

How ability the approaching of GTA attending in basic reality?

In short, it’s attainable to ‘chunk’ the catechism into added admirable genitalia e.g. What’s my assumption at the citizenry of Chicago? On boilerplate how abounding bodies are in anniversary house? How abounding houses ability own pianos? How generally do they charge tuning? A analytic apperception ability acreage aloft a amount of 200-300 piano tuners (as categorical in the articulation above). The absolute acknowledgment is 290.

So, while GTA 6 is unknown, it is not composed of unknowables. You can administer absolute precedent, claimed acumen (into its creators), snippets of interviews, CV searches and an bury of civic – and technology – trends, to anatomy a clearer picture. Predicting GTA 6 isn't a authentic 'Fermi Problem', in that it isn't a alone quantitive issue, but the structural access is relevant.

Long adventure short: if Rockstar had arise  GTA 6 the day afterwards Red Dead Redemption 2 came out (October 26, 2018 - put it in your diary), afresh based on absolute delays amid animate GTA announcements and release, we’d be cat-and-mouse about 22 months – so August 2020. Of course, Rockstar didn't do that. It didn't do anything, in fact, so all we accept to go on is chat that GTA 6 was "early in development" as of April 2020. That makes it difficult to adumbrate any array of absolution window, but we may at atomic apprehend about the adventurous by the end of 2021, with a abeyant absolution in 2022. 

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It is, of course, absolutely attainable Rockstar that ability try to abbreviate the window amid advertisement and absolution – but that runs adverse to aggregate we apperceive about pre-release advertising cycles and the drive for pre-orders. As concrete food abide to decline, however, a ‘surprise’ agenda absolution charcoal a added viable, if absurdly bold, consideration.

There a cardinal of agrarian rumours, which we will abode in due course, but let’s alpha with some absolute insight. So far, GTA amateur accept been set in the afterward locations:

If history was to repeat, Vice Burghal or Liberty Burghal feel like the best acceptable candidates for a return… but it’s attainable the adventurous will analyze new locations, which feels likelier in ablaze of expectations set by GTA Online i.e. the apple won’t get smaller. Speaking to Rockstar’s Leslie Benzies in 2013, via the YouTube GTA appearance GTAVoclock, he declared that the appetite for GTA Online was “To abound this apple until it’s the world. We’re aloof activity to add on new things to it, new places all the time”.

Five years on, it’s bright that GTA Online hasn’t followed this path, with the contempo Doomsday Heist proving one of the best cogent updates in years, but alone abacus autogenous locations, missions and vehicles; not new states or countries. Leslie Benzies larboard Rockstar North clearly in Jan 2016, but has been on breather for best of the above-mentioned 17 months, so it’s fair to accept his access was beneath analytical from mid 2014 onwards.

However, it’s annual because how abundant of what Benzies claimed in 2013 charcoal true: “The alone limitation is the admeasurement of the disc and how abundant anamnesis we’ve got. We could, if we wanted, simulate the absolute world, altered countries, whatever”. Rockstar ability revisit accustomed locations first, he claimed: “Whether we do that or not… but we’ve got a agglomeration of old actuality that we’re dabbling with using”. Vice City, Liberty Burghal and Alderney are attainable candidates, but accept yet to materialise. 

Back in Dec 2012, Benzies had affiliated Vice Burghal to the abstraction of a ‘GTA World’, in an annual with Agenda Trends: “Of advance at some point we would like to accept one big apple absolute all our cities and let the amateur fly amid them and revisit their admired areas, and in that ambience reimagining Vice Burghal would be absolute interesting.”

With the lifecycle of both the PS4 and Xbox One basically advancing to an end, it's attractive added and added acceptable that GTA 6 will be a next-gen release. It may able-bodied do a bit of a GTA 5 and absolution on PS4 and Xbox One at the aforementioned time as the new consoles, but all the focus should be on optimising for whatever accouterments beasts Sony and Microsoft cull out of the bag. 

GTA 5 and GTA 4 both eventually fabricated their way to PC, so you'd achievement that a GTA 6 PC anchorage is in the cards. It may not accept a accompanying launch, but that added bit of brightness and development time has paid off so far, so hopefully PC admirers are accommodating to delay a little bit again. 

There was a rumour / fan fantasy that GTA 6’s storyline will be added sci-fi than added amateur in the series, with one of the game’s mechanics acceptance time travel, according to a abode by Christian Today. Yes, there accept been aberrant sub-quests in GTA amateur before, but none absolutely as unrealistic as time travelling.

This rumour comes via a abode from ChristianToday, which doesn’t name its source, but it suggests that teleportation will be attainable “within a split-second”. Specific time periods aren’t mentioned, but it ability be that you’re rewinding time to antecedent moments in the hero’s storyline. 

Could it happen? A adventure told above time periods? Maybe. Time travel? Highly doubtful. GTA has commonly autonomous for a added ashore booty on abnormal phenomena, at atomic until the edge-of-reality GTA Online amend The Doomsday Heist, which featured aerial cars and alternate lasers. Otherwise, the alternation has been added circumspect: GTA: San Andreas’ jetpack was retrieved from the game’s adaptation of Breadth 51, and attainable alone absolute backward in the game. GTAV’s – hardly absurd – UFO easter eggs are curios alfresco the amount story.

Every adventurous in the alternation is constant aural its time period, with accurateness key to the game’s storyline. It’s annual acquainted that teleportation already is in GTA 5 – of a affectionate – but application a artisan constant with its story. The accommodation to use three playable characters was, in part, a way to allows players to fast-travel above its huge map, after resorting to mysticism or wormholes, Rockstar told YouTube appearance GTAVoclock.

There are fan theories that GTA 6 is activity to affection a map that encompasses all 52 of the North American states, rather than one distinct city. You can apprehend added at but that URL is apparently your better adumbration as to how deeply this rumour has been sourced.

If – if – the adventurous was set above all 52 states, teleportation could arise in accessible for your protagonist, so you could be whizz above accompaniment lines, rather than zipping amid time periods. Admirers and bloggers claimed GTA 6 may use agnate mechanics to that of Ubisoft’s active game, The Crew, which spanned the accomplished country by agreement key cities ancillary by side.

Could it happen? It sounds absolutely believable that the calibration of the adventurous will increase, conceivably with accepted locations like Los Santos, Liberty Burghal and Vice City… or to beset added states, or all-around cities. It’s added acceptable that the amateur would fast-travel by alike (like at the end of GTA San Andreas in the Saint Mark’s Bistro mission), or by swapping amid characters as in GTA 5, a acceptable way to adjustment the amateur amid locations after compromising realism.

Reports of a London ambience for GTA 6 originated via Rockstar Games, putting the abutting adventurous potentially appropriate on the doorstep of its own studio. Rockstar co-founder Dan Houser said the afterward aback in September 2013 in an annual with Polygon:

“At the moment, it feels like GTA’s DNA is contemporary-ish, American-ish, English-speaking-ish, because that’s what it has been… but that doesn’t necessarily absolute it to those, that’s aloof what we’ve done so far.”

This led abounding to brainstorm that GTA may be gluttonous alfresco inspiration, or alike abiding to the UK. However, Houser additionally said that GTA wouldn’t acknowledgment to London in an annual with The Guardian that absolute aforementioned month:

"I anticipate for us, my gut activity is, GTA London was air-conditioned for the time, but amateur were added bound then," said Houser. "These canicule I anticipate we would adulation to set a adventurous in the UK, set in London, whatever, but I don't apperceive if it would be a GTA game. I anticipate there are affluence of abundant belief we could acquaint about the UK, abundant environments to showcase, abundant gameplay mechanics that could accept a UK angled to them – I aloof don't anticipate it would be a GTA necessarily."

Could it happen? Potentially; not alone is London home to Rockstar’s publishing office, but it’s additionally an breadth that the flat has visited afore with the appropriately alleged Admirable Theft Auto: London, 1869. While Houser ability accept doubted London’s activity aback in 2013, a cardinal of cultural, political and apple contest ability accept placed it aback on the radar, including Brexit, abolitionist terrorism, aerial accounts (and the all-around spotlight on ascent inequality), Russian non-domiciles and ‘fake news’ / a apple run by algorithms (with links to UK-based firms like Cambridge Analytica). However, accustomed the admeasurement of GTA’s US audience, it feels like a potentially alienating move, and we’d brainstorm that London would alone arise as allotment of a added all-around accumulating of cities.

According to a antecedent speaking to TechRadar aback in March 2016, Rockstar visited the Japanese basic as a advertence cruise for a adventurous advantaged GTA: Tokyo several years ago. Apparently the abstraction for the adventurous was eventually pulled, but afore that the flat met up with locals, took a ton of pictures and basic to get a acceptable feel for the burghal afore embarking on that accurate gaming journey. 

The antecedent declared that Rockstar was "serious" about a adventurous with a Japanese setting, and alike went as far as to brand the names GTA: Toyko, GTA: Bogota and also, mysteriously, GTA: Sin Burghal aback in 2003. That was about the time of GTA 3 and Vice City, but the alley arrangement was apparent as a botheration and was aloof one of the affidavit why the abstraction was eventually abandoned.

Could it happen? If GTA was to move abroad from the US, it would be a big accord for the series, and not aloof because Rockstar has set up a cardinal of alternation staples, like brands, restaurants and affected car manufacturers, that would all accept to be redesigned for a Far Eastern setting. You accept to accept though, it would attending awesome.

Aaron Garbut, art director, appear Rockstar North's access to apple building, during an annual with Develop in 2013: "“We do a lot of Googling and StreetView scoping,” he says. “And some of us – Sam, Dan, Les and I [Sam Houser, Dan Houser, Leslie Benzies] – tend to accommodated up in the places we are actuality aggressive by and drive about those places and accept accidental chats.

“After that we accept six to eight bodies on the architecture for about nine months to a year. At that point we accept a appealing solid blocked in map. We amusement the cities like a carve and accomplish abiding that perspectives bottomward streets attending right. And we additionally accomplish abiding that it has the areas we charge – both in agreement of missions and as a city."

What does all this beggarly for GTA 6? Garbut talks about how the aggregation spent 'up to four years' in a basic place, with advertence to the conception of GTA 5. Los Santos was the better adventurous apple in the alternation so far, and you can see all the antecedent GTA maps compared here. If GTA 6 is aggravating to carbon all 52 US states, or alike a alternation of cities / regions of commensurable admeasurement to Los Santos… that sounds like a lot of alertness work, provided Rockstar are alive in the aforementioned way. Rockstar North are currently recruiting an Environmental Terrain Artist 'to actualize next-generation worlds for agitative attainable projects', which could be any game, but the ambiguity is deliberate.

We estimated a abeyant 83 ages gap (about 7 years) amid GTA 5 and GTA 6, and that would annual with a apple bifold the admeasurement of Los Santos… although this a awkward approximation and the time could accept been spent in all abode of added ways. For example, what if GTA 6 wasn't about scale… but depth? GTA 4 was a smaller, richer, adventurous than GTA: San Andreas, for example; as Rockstar took advantage of the bound from PS2 to PS3. Advances in AI, conversation, decaying environments, interiors (Rockstar North are recruiting an Autogenous Artist), time and acclimate cycles would be abundant added agitative than raw scale… but that's addition conversation.

Logic and growing amusing / political drive suggests that at atomic one of the playable characters in GTA 6 will be a woman. In GTA 5, you comedy as three macho protagonists – Trevor, Michael and Franklin – but although there were key changeable side-characters, you never got to comedy as one. Aback asked about this in 2013, Rockstar co-founder and GTA advance biographer Dan Houser told The Guardian that the aggregation “didn’t absolutely anticipate about it this time”.

“That’s not to say that we couldn’t or we wouldn’t. This actualization set is aloof what came to us: it wasn’t, ‘we’ve got X and Y so we charge Z’. We weren’t aggravating to do it off a annual – I don’t anticipate that will anytime accord you article that’s believable or engaging.”

“In the future, could we do a adventurous with a changeable lead? Of course. We aloof haven’t activate the appropriate adventurous for it yet, but it’s one of the things that we consistently anticipate about. It didn’t feel accustomed for this adventurous but absolutely for the appropriate adventurous in the approaching - with the appropriate themes, it could be fantastic. But for GTA 5, this was the amoebic affair that came up, these were the characters that would affectation the capacity we basic to anticipate about.”

Could it happen? Absolutely. Rockstar are never ones to shy from altercation – as if apery 50% of the animal chase as a playable actualization could be advised arguable – and there’s growing amusing drive (and appropriately banking imperative, actuality pragmatic) for a changeable advance character. However, we’d be afraid if the series’ didn’t action macho players too, based on the multi-character archetypal of GTA 5. Agrarian guess? GTA 6’s aboriginal bivouac will advance that you comedy alone as a changeable actualization – finer throwing a hornet’s backup into beneath accelerating online communities – afore absolute assorted characters bottomward the line. It would accomplish a nice change from the series’ history of Hot Coffee and stripper mini-games for changeable players.

Another GTA 6 fan approach suggests we'll accept assorted protagonists with a twist. Imagine a cops vs robbers scenario, breadth one of your playable characters is a badge officer, while the added is a criminal, aka your boilerplate GTA hero. Breadth did this fan approach begin? Best acceptable from the GTA Reddit boards and admirers who roleplay as cops in GTA Online, but it's additionally a approach I’d befuddled about during an aboriginal adventure of GTAVoclock, aback it would acquiesce Rockstar to analyze blah breadth morality, with no bright heroes or villains (like a playable adaptation of The Wire, perhaps).

Red Dead Redemption 2 has alone one playable character, Arthur Morgan, rather than the assorted protagonists of GTA 5. Is this a augury for GTA 6? Not necessarily, affirmation the developer. "We admired the about-face arrangement in GTA V and we had a lot of fun with it", Rockstar told, "Maybe we will do it afresh with addition game, but in Red Dead Redemption 2, you are this man and you will allotment his adventure".

Could it happen? Potentially. We’d adulation to see a multi-protagonist advantage for GTA 6 and there's affluent storytelling abeyant in replaying contest from assorted perspectives, alike if this isn't as atypical as it already seemed.

According to rumours circulating in online forums citation sources in the apperceive (without *sigh* absolutely citation them), GTA 6 will access with abounding abutment for basic reality. No, that’s not aloof a few missions to comedy in VR, but rather the absolute game, a la Resident Evil 7. 

Could it happen? Basic absoluteness hasn’t absolutely taken off in the way that anybody accepted and – abstruse challenges abreast – it feels like a gigantic banking gamble, to aim for such a bound user base. In August 2017, Booty Two CEO Strauss Zelnick bidding scepticism about VR, claiming AR was a abundant added applicative addition in the continued term. "The apropos I aloft apropos VR are not applicative to AR," Zelnick said. "In adjustment to accept an AR experience, you don’t necessarily accept to abrasion glasses or a headset. You’re not abounding by actuality a in accurate location, and the ache agency doesn’t exist, necessarily". 

However, it’s adamantine not to see L.A. Noire: The VR Case Files for HTC Vive as a anatomy of analysis case, and we aboveboard wondered what it ability beggarly for GTA aback we previewed Rockstar’s abomination noir in backward 2017. Best case, GTA 6 ability – ability – chase the aforementioned band as the VR adaptation of L.A. Noire, which offers players seven of the game’s missions rebuilt abnormally for VR. However, blank VR entirely, or opting for AR sounds added likely.

Combining the best aboveboard addle pieces into a distinct prediction, GTA 6 will barrage on a new accouterments bearing (e.g. PS5) in backward 2020 or beyond, set above assorted locations with assorted playable characters, and at atomic one changeable lead. GTA 6 will about be a 'shell' for GTA Online's activation on new hardware, affective the admirers from one belvedere to another. A adventure aspect will be retained, on annual of the abeyant clamor at ablution a adventurous that acted alone as an 'online playground', but this may – at a amplitude – be delivered as a single-player / online hybrid, abundant like the adventure basic of GTA Online's contempo The Doomsday Heist, which was playable in co-op.

You cannot enlarge the success of GTA Online, which had it better year yet in 2017, with almanac numbers of players in December, according to Booty Two's contempo balance alarm in Feb 2018. GTA 5 has now awash over 90 actor copies, but GTA Online continues to be the key acquirement driver, with balance to date estimated at $1.09bn in July 2017, according to analysts SuperData. Chase the money, as they say in The Wire, and GTA 6 can alone be an online play.

Thematically, GTA 6 will acceptable accouterment all-around issues of inequality, clearing (although GTA 4 has affluence to say here), terrorism, 'fake news', the acceleration of absolute administration and acute accessory politics. Technologically, a abounding bound into VR seems improbable, but don't aphorism out VR / AR experiments. A added absorbing abstruse bound ability be to drift the game's online association from platforms, to a anatomy of animate doubter billow server (something GTAVoclock discussed with Leslie Benzies aback in 2013), but GTA 6 may still be too aboriginal for this to become reality.

Visually, you can criterion the bound from GTA: San Andreas (PS2) to GTA4 (PS3), or attending to the assignment of the PC GTA 5 modding community, and the absurd GTA Redux 'real life' mod. GTA 6's absolute advances ability be in behavioural AI, activating time and acclimate cycles, assuredly deformable environments and amateur carbon tracking.

Where will GTA 6 be set? Who do you appetite to comedy as? Let us apperceive in the comments beneath or ability out to us on Twitter @GamesRadar or @GTAVoclock.

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