Microsoft Word 4x6 Postcard Template 2
Create an abode account application the Mail Merge affection in Microsoft Word back you charge to book labels for a accumulation mailing. Mail Merge enables you to ascribe your abode account in a spreadsheet format, and again acceptation the account into the actual characterization template. Word natively supports hundreds of all-encompassing and vendor-specific characterization templates. If you apperceive the bell-ringer and the artefact cardinal for the labels you will use for printing, you can baddest the exact arrangement to automatically architecture your labels for the product. In best cases, you will not charge to install arrangement software that accompanies your labels.
Create Abode Account
Open a bare certificate in Microsoft Word.
Click the “Mailings” tab on the top aeronautics bar to accessible the Mailings options in the ribbon.
Click the “Start Mail Merge" button, and again bang the “Label” advantage to accessible the Characterization Options chat box.
Click the radio button abutting to your printer type. Options are “Continuous Feed Printers” and “Page Printers.”
Click the “Label Vendors” drop-down box, and again bang the bell-ringer of the labels you will use to book the addresses.
Click the artefact cardinal of your labels in the Artefact Cardinal box, and again bang “OK.” You will see the bare characterization template, but gridlines are hidden.
Click the “Layout” tab in the top aeronautics menu, and again bang “View Gridlines” to affectation the characterization gridlines and appearance anniversary alone label.
Click the “Mailings” tab in the top aeronautics menu, and again bang “Select Recipients.”
Click “Type a New List” to accessible the New Abode Account chat box.
Click central a corpuscle beneath one of the headers in the top row, and blazon the abstracts for the column. For example, bang the corpuscle beneath “First Name,” and again blazon the aboriginal name of the aboriginal almsman to add to your abode list.
Click the abutting accessible corpuscle and blazon the appropriate value. Continue accounting abstracts in anniversary corpuscle for the aboriginal abode in your list. Back accomplished with abstracts for the aboriginal label, bang “New Recipient” to add a new row to the New Abode Account form.
Type the abode advice for the abutting characterization in the additional row, and again bang “New Recipient” to add yet addition record. Keep abacus recipients until all addresses are entered.
Click “OK” to accessible the Book Save chat box.
Type a name for the new abode account in the Book Name field, and again bang “OK” to save the abode account in the Microsoft Abode Account book architecture for approaching use.
Book Preparation
Click the “Mailings” tab, and again bang “Address Block” to accessible the Insert Abode Block chat box.
Click the architecture for announcement the name in the Insert Recipient’s Name in This Architecture field. You will see the abode in the Examination window on the appropriate ancillary of the chat box. Bang the arrows aloft the Examination window to annal through the account entries.
Click the adapted radio button in the Insert Postal Abode area to baddest how to affectation the country or region.
Check added options as adapted and again bang the leftmost arrow aloft the Examination window to acknowledgment the examination to the aboriginal entry. Bang “OK” to add the configured block to the aboriginal label.
Click “Update Labels” in the aeronautics award to amend the labels with your abode list.
Click “Preview Results” in the aeronautics award to see all addresses in the characterization template.
Writer Bio
Based in the alive music basic of the world, Tammy Columbo continues to assignment in the advice technology industry as she has done for added than 10 years. While active in Austin, Columbo has contributed to aerial contour projects for the State of Texas, Fortune 500 technology companies and assorted non-profit organizations. Columbo began autograph professionally in 2009.
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